Friday, July 20, 2007

Imagine that ...Vista Sucks...even more than XP

As we walk blindly into the future with our technical pulse regulated by the almighty Microsoft, we find that Vista is a greedy and unforgiving environment. You know...Purgatory.

Run, as quickly as you can, and purchase XP while you can -- not that you will be better off...that is...really.

Oh, and yes its true, Microsoft Office 2007 is not backwards compatible with earlier versions of itself, unless you can easily train your staff to "Save As"... Oh yeah, I've tried this type of training, it's as elusive as dark matter.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usBeware the .docx - you have been warned!Image Hosted by

More... How Microsoft is destroying personal productivity...


Microsoft to simplify downgrades from Vista to XP

Even Softies get the Vista installation blues

From the 'I'm glad I'm not a Vista salesperson' files